Once upon a time there was an old man who loved gardening and had a very big and beautiful garden. He had planted many fruit trees and care for them everyday till they bear fruits.
One fine day while picking up fruits with his son, old man saw that a stranger was sitting on the branch of tree in his garden, picking fruits without asking for his permission.
Seeing him old man became angry and shouted, “Hey you.!! What are you doing in my garden? Aren’t you ashamed of stealing fruits in day time?”
Stranger on branch looked at him but didn’t replied and continued to pick fruits from trees.
This made old man very angry and shouted again, “Everyday i take care of these trees. You have no right to take these fruits without my permission. So come down at once.!”
Stranger looked with anger at man and replied, “Why should i come down? This is the garden of God and i am a servant to God. So i have every right to pick these fruits. You should not interfere between work of God and his servant.”
Old man was surprised at his answer and got silent for a while. Strange continued to pick fruits.
Then old man went inside and asked his son to bring a rope and a stick.
Old man came back out with his son while stranger was still picking fruits. Old man took the stick and started poking that stranger with it. As soon as stranger fell down, old man asked his son to hold that man and tie him to the tree with rope.
His son did as said. Then Old man took that stick and started to beat stranger.
Stranger screamed, “Don’t you fear God? Why are you beating an innocent man?”
Old man replied, “Why should i fear? This wood in my hand belongs to God and I am too a servant to God. So i have nothing to fear and now you shouldn’t interfere with the work of God and his servant.”
Stranger realized his mistake and said, “Wait..! Don’t beat me. I am sorry for taking fruits without your permission. I will never do this again. Please forgive me and let me go.”
Old man smiled and replied, “Since you have realized you mistake. I will let you go but remember that you shouldn’t try to make fool out of others in God’s name and every person’s deeds are in his own hands. So, Never do wrong.”
Just after that Old man untied him and let him go free.