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The Maid

The Maid - The Maid

Once a man and his son moved into their new home which was in a faraway town. New house was large and spacious but was known to be haunted.

Man didn’t believed in when locals told him that and started to unpack things.

While man was busy with work, kid started to explore house and reached kitchen. He saw maid working there.

When kid talked to maid, she said to him, “You have to be careful as there could be ghost in this house.”

Young kid went to his father and asked him if there were really any ghost in that house.

Father knew about stories but he never told about this to his son. Father asked him, “Who told about ghost?”

Child replied, “Our maid.”

Father immediately asked him to pack his bags. Son asked, “Why father?”

Father replied, “We don’t have a maid son.”