The Husbandman And The Stork

The Husbandman and the Stork - The Husbandman And The Stork

A Husbandman fixed a net in his field to catch the Cranes that came to feed on his new-sown corn.

When he went to examine the net, and see what Cranes he had taken, a Stork was found among the number.

“Spare me,” cried the Stork, “and let me go. I am no Crane. I have eaten none of your corn. I am a poor innocent Stork, as you may see — the most pious and dutiful of birds. I honour and succour my father and mother. I — ”

But the Husbandman cut him short.

“All this may be true enough, I dare say, but this I know, that I have caught you with those who were destroying my crops, and you must suffer with the company in which you are taken.”

Ill company proves more than fair professions.