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So, How Did You Do? – Humor

So How Did You Do 1 - So, How Did You Do? - Humor

A preacher starts a new church in his town. It’s non-denominational, doesn’t follow any specific tenets…in fact, to join it only has one rule: you have to go one week without sex.

There were three couples who wanted to join: an older couple, a middle aged couple, and a newlywed couple.

The preacher gathers them in his office, admonishes them of the rule, and tells them to come back in a week.

7 days later, the preacher is in his office. First the older couple comes into the office.

“So, how did you do?” the preacher asks.

“Well,” started the old man, “We’re kinda up there in years, so it wasn’t a big struggle for us. We went the whole week without sex.”

“Congratulations,” the preacher replied. “Welcome to the church!”

A little while later the middle aged couple comes in.

“So how did you do?” the preacher asks.

“Well,” began the husband, “I gotta admit, it got kinda tough right around Thursday, but this was important to us. We went the whole week without sex.”

“Congratulations,” the preacher replied. “Welcome to the church!”

Finally the newlywed couple comes in.

“So how did you do?” the preacher asks.

“Well,” the husband started, looking sheepishly at his feet, “We tried really hard. We really did. But I can’t lie to you, preacher. Along about Friday, I caught my wife bent over the freezer, and I just couldn’t help myself.”

“Well, I’m sorry to hear that,” said the preacher, “but you can’t join the church.”

“We understand,” the husband said. “We’re not allowed in Walmart anymore, either.”