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Rooster, Cock And Lion

Rooster Cock and Lion 1 - Rooster, Cock And Lion

An Ass and a Cock lived in a farmyard together.

One day a hungry Lion passing by and seeing the Ass in good condition, resolved to make a meal of him.

Now, they say that there is nothing a Lion hates so much as the crowing of a Cock;

and at that moment the Cook happening to crow, the Lion straightway made off with all haste from the spot.

The Ass, mightily amused to think that a Lion should be frightened at a bird, plucked up courage and galloped after him, delighted with the notion of driving the king of beasts before him.

He had, however, gone no great distance, when the Lion turned sharply round upon him, and made an end of him in a trice.

Presumption begins in ignorance and ends in ruin.