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Necklace Story!

Necklace Story 1 - Necklace Story!

Once there was a king who had presented his daughter with a beautiful diamond necklace but one day necklace was lost. Announcement was made in kingdom.

People in kingdom searched everywhere but still couldn’t find it. At last king put a reward for 5000 gold coins for anyone who find and bring back that necklace.

One day a man was walking to his home along a river which was dirty and filthy. When he looked down he saw something shimmering in river. He realized that it was the diamond necklace.

He knew about the award. So he bend down and put his hand in dirty river water and tried to grab that necklace but couldn’t get it.

He took out his hand and looked again and saw that necklace was still there. So, he tried again but couldn’t get it again.

Man tried many times but still couldn’t get that necklace. Feeling sad and depressed started walking back to home.

Next day again he was passing by river and again he saw that necklace, right there. This time man was determined to get it and plunged into river, though it was disgusting to do so as river was very dirty and his whole body was covered in filth and dirt and became filthy.

He plunged in and searched everywhere and yet he failed to get necklace. This time he was really bewildered and came out feeling very depressed that he could not get the necklace that would get him 5000 gold coins.

Just then a saint who was walking by saw him and asked him what was the matter. Man didn’t want to share secret with him thinking he might take necklace for himself. So, he refused to tell.

But saint could see that man was troubled and being compassionate again asked him about his problem.

This time man decided to put some faith in saint and told him about the necklace and how he tried to catch it and yet couldn’t get it.

Saint understood this problem and told him that perhaps he should try to look upwards, instead of river.

When man looked upward, he saw that necklace was dangling on the branch of tree and realized that all this time he had been trying to capture a mere reflection of real necklace.

Material Happiness is just like filthy, polluted river because it’s a mere reflection of true happiness in spiritual world. We can never achieve happiness we are looking for, how hard we endeavor in material life. Instead we should look upward, toward God, who is source of real happiness.